Rav Yossi Kaiser

Rav Kaiser was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. After learning in the Mesivta of Long Beach. He spent many years studying in the Brisker Kollel in Eretz Yisroel after his marriage and then received semicha from Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ. He currently resides in Monsey, NY, where he is the Rav of Kehillas Zichron Yaakov and teaches in Yeshiva Kesser Torah, and in the Kollel Shaarei Halacha. He has authored the Halachos of Sukkah, distributed by Feldheim, along with other written works. He teaches a fantastic Halacha Chaburah on Wednesday Nights, a Halacha shiur to Teens on Thursday Nights, and has been a member of the New Rochelle Torah Center for 5 years.

Rav Avraham Chaim Nitzlach

Rav Nitzlach was born and bred in Monsey, NY. He Learned in Yeshivat Shaar Yosher under R’ Avraham Yosef Rosenblum Z”L. After getting married learned in Kollel of Toldos Yaakov Yosef of Skver for 9 years. He is the founding and current Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedolah of Ohr HaTorah as well as the Mesivta Kollel there for the past 30 years. He recently joined the New Rochelle Torah Center this year and teaches a Thursday Night Chaburah and has regular Chavrusahs.

Rav Ami Cohen

Rabbi Amram Cohen studied in Yeshiva Maalos Hatorah in Yerushalayim under Rav Shmuel Auerbach zt’l and in Yeshiva Sha’ar Hatorah in Queens, where he joined the Kollel for many years and formed a close relationship with the Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Zelig Epstein, zt’l. He was a contributing editor to the Artscroll Mishnayos, and is the editor of Hamafteach on Shas. Rabbi Cohen works closely with his father, Harav Dovid Cohen, shlita, on the editing and production of many of his seforim. He has been a member of the New Rochelle Torach Center for 4 years bringing his deep knowledge of Torah and energy everyday.

Rav Zaki Dayan

Rav Dayan is the assistant rabbi in Fleetwood Synagogue and a recent addition to the Kollel. Having grown up in Flatbush, he pursued his studies at Yeshivas Aish Gesher in Jerusalem for two years following high school. He is a musmach of R.I.E.T.S Yeshiva University and joined the Kollel Elyon in the Fall of 2023. In the Spring of 2023, Rabbi Dayan served as a Shul Intern at Kehillat Menorat Hamaor in Ramat Beit Shemesh. During his time there, he delivered various shiurim throughout Shabbos, establishing meaningful connections with members of the community. Prior to this, he worked as a Shiur Assistant in Rabbi Shulman’s shiur at Yeshiva University.

Rav Eliyahu Rosenwasser

Rav Rosenwasser was born and raised in Monsey and learned in Yeshiva Ohel Torah and later in the Hillside Beis Midrash under Rav Shmuel Abba Olshin. From there he went on to learn in the Brisk Kollel in Eretz Yorsel for 6 years. He is currently in the Kollel Mikdash David under Rav Kastin. This is his first year with the New Rochelle Torah Center and has many chavrutahs with various people throughout the week.

Rav Zelig Kirzner

Rav Kirzner learned under Rav Meir Stern of Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic as well as from R' Elyah Be'er Wachtfogel, of BMG for a year. He got married and moved to Monsey where he learned in R' Don Blomburg's Lollel for 3 years and Rabbi Roberts Halacha Kollel in yeshiva Beis Mordechai of Teaneck. Currently he tutors in the morning in Highschools such as Mesvita of Monsey. He has been with the New Rochelle Torah Center for the past seven years serving as בני חביבי Rebbe. Learn B'Chavrusah 5 nights a week and many longstanding Chavrusahs within the community.

Rav Binyamin Ehrman

Rav Binyomin Ehrman joined the Kollel four years ago. Since then, his warmth and dedication has uplifted and inspired his chavrusas. On occasion, he has also delivered the Parsha shiur to various groups. Prior to joining the NRTC Rav Binyomin was actively involved in a community Kollel in Queens.

Rav Usher Glick

Rav Glick was a Talmid of Rav Efraim Wachsmans Yeshiva, Yeshivas Meir Yitzchak for 5 years. and learned for several years in Eretz Yisrael in the Mir in R’ Asher Arieli's Shiur. He currently serves as the Shoel Umaishiv in Machon L’Horaah in Monsey and has been a member of the Kollel since 2020.

Rav Menashe Schwartz

Rav Schwartz learned in the Yeshiva of South Fallsburg for 3 years and learned in the Mir Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael in various prestigious Chaburot. He has also learned in numerous Kollelim in Monsey for the past 12 years. Rav Schwartz has been a member of the New Rochelle Torah Center for 7 years learning with many Chavrusahs both in person and over the phone.

Rav Zev Flaumenhaft

R' Flaumenhaft is currently a Rebbe at the Yeshiva of Spring Valley. He is a powerhouse of passion for Torah and Lomdus . He is renowned throughout the Yeshiva World and made a tremendous impact on each of the yeshivas he went to, such as Toras Moshe, BMG, and Yeshivas Brisk. We are very excited and honored to have him as the newest addition to our Kollel.

Rav Yisrael Meir Padawer

Rabbi Padawer studied Kodshim under Rav Tzvi Kaplan in Israel. Since returning he has been learning in the Semicha Program of Bais Medrash Govoha. Upon concluding his time in Kollel he began teaching the Karlin Stolin Yeshiva and now is a rebbe in Yeshiva Tiferet Torah in Monsey. Rabbi Padawer has been in the New Rochelle Kollel since its inception and has inspired many people over the seven years.